In this Episode
Record-holding runner Anabelle Broadbent thought she’d blow right through menopause…until erratic, uber-heavy periods, body composition changes, anxiety, and a major drop in speed told her menopause had other ideas. As a scientist, she did what she knows best: research and problem-solving. And last year, at age 55, she was awarded the 2022 USATF GOLD Phidippides Award for Excellence in Long Distance Running. Though her body is different now in her mid-50s than it was in her mid-40s, her competitive drive still burns hot, as does her desire to help others, and she believes in many ways, her best days are still ahead of her. We talk all about that, her cultural experiences with menopause, her plant-based passion, and much more.
Anabelle Broadbent is a NASA-trained pathogenic microbiologist and is CEO and founder of Verde Ops, a company that provides food science operational knowledge, execution, and support to plant-based food companies. She is also an accomplished runner, running coach, vegan athlete, commercial fashion model, creative artist, photographer, horsewoman, certified equine massage therapist, cyclist, skateboarder, and yogini. As a runner, she has represented Puerto Rico and the U.S. at international competitions and has amassed 15 Puerto Rico National Records as a masters runner in 4 different age groups in 7 different distances. In 2022, at age 55, she was awarded the USATF GOLD Phidippides Award for Excellence in Long Distance Running. You can learn more about her and her work at verdeops.com
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