In this Episode
There is no denying that Title IX created many new opportunities for women in sport, but what women were excluded from these opportunities? This week, Dr. Shaunna Payne Gold from our Unphased podcast welcomes Dr. Markesha Henderson to discuss the intersection of Title IX, civil rights, and women’s rights. Dr. Henderson is the Director of Athletics at Agnes Scott College and brings a unique perspective as one of only 35 black female athletic directors in the NCAA.
Shaunna and Dr. Henderson discuss what it takes to have your intercollegiate team flourish, and how having male allies is often necessary. Further, Dr. Henderson underlines the ways in which intercollegiate athletic systems exclude women, and specifically black women, from taking on leadership roles in sport. Finally, Dr. Henderson tells us how she would use her magic wand to change things for women’s sports today.
Listen to the [Un]phased Podcast here!
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