October 24, 2022
Katie Schofield – Defining RED-S and Low Energy Availability

In this Episode
Studies have found that 79.5% of female athletes are at risk of Low Energy Availability. That’s why this week we talk to Katie Schofield to learn all about under fueling, LEA, and RED-S. Katie Schofield is a performance coach that helps folks better understand their physiology, nutrition, health, and athletic performance, and tailors this specifically toward those suffering from Low Energy Availability. Holding a Ph.D. that specializes in LEA and RED-S, Katie takes a multidisciplinary approach to everything she does.
Struggling with LEA and RED-S herself, Katie and Sara discuss the factors that influence female athletes to under fuel, and the significant outcomes of this. Katie outlines what exactly LEA is, how this leads to RED-S, and the number of athletes that find themselves in a state of LEA. Further, Katie shares her experience of returning from a state of LEA, and what it felt like to have her energy again.
Visit Katies website at https://www.katie-schofield.com/
and follow her on Instagram @kt_schofield
Sign up for the online Fuelin webinar to gain more information on under fueling as an athlete at https://fuelin.app/feisty: Fuelin is a training-based nutrition app that syncs with your training plan to make sure you are fueling properly to support your training and everyday life. Head over tofuelin.comto get started today
Follow along @feistymedia over the next two weeks for more information and content related to Fueled is Fast
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Mentioned in this episode:
Inside Tracker – September 2022