November 5, 2024

Training for Fall Prevention and Longevity

Taking a page from the martial arts playbook


This week we are introducing a new movement called the “Hip Escape.” It is a movement originating in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that is used as a technique to move away from an opponent. The fitness industry has adapted this movement in training programs to train body awareness, coordination, agility, and core stabilization.

These elements of training are especially important for mid-life women. During the hormonal changes of menopause and perimenopause where estrogen production by the ovary is decreasing, bone density and muscle mass decline, tendons and ligaments change, and joint complexes can become less stable leaving us more prone to injury, falls, and fracture.

At this stage of life, fitness isn’t just about strength, speed, and endurance. It’s also about longevity and taking steps to prevent the injuries that can impact our independence and ability to do the things we want to do. Training balance and agility is an essential element of any fitness program no matter what your level of fitness or physical limitations.



Low-intensity walk, jog, or bike for 10-15 minutes

TABATA – 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. Do each movement in sequence for a total of 6 minutes (each round of the three movements, 4 times)


Movement Practice

Take 5-10  minutes to watch the videos, practice, and select your movements for this workout.



Keep your feet hip-width distance on the lunge to knee-up! This will give you a more stable base and improve your balance. Avoid positioning one foot directly in front of the other as if you were on a balance beam. Keep those feet apart!



AMRAP 12 minutes

  • 10 Burpee lateral jump (or step) over a dumbbell
  • 5 Reverse lunge to knee-up (Right)
  • 5 Reverse lunge to knee-up (Left)
  • 6 Hip Escape (alternating right + left = 2 repetitions)



Finish this training day and jump-start your recovery with this 20-minute power yoga sequence. #dontskiptheyoga


Latest podcasts

February 12, 2025
213: Menopause and Fat Loss with Bill Campbell, PhD (Episode 213)
February 11, 2025
234: **REBROADCAST** The Daydreamer with Heidi Wrentz (Episode 199)
February 5, 2025
212: Injuries, Setbacks & MIA Motivation: Overcoming the Challenges of Running Through Perimenopause with Normi Coto, PhD (Episode 212)

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