February 22, 2023

118: Dragons & Gems: Finding Inner Safety During Menopause with Dr. Nerina Ramlakhan

In this Episode

Past trauma–big or small–and daily stress can take a toll on the nervous system, and many of us spend our days largely in a state of fight or flight. When we hit menopause, our nervous system becomes even more nervous, and life, along with everything that happened up until that point rises to the surface and demands to be dealt with. We can run, lift, or ride away from it all…to a point. But we often end up feeling tired but wired. That’s where this week’s guest Dr. Nerina Ramlakhan, author of Finding Inner Safety comes in. She explains how the real peace and renewed energy comes from allowing ourselves to be still and by building physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual recovery into the day to calm our nervous system, improve our energy, and help us sleep. We talk about all that and more this week.

Nerina Ramlakhan, PhD, is a renowned physiologist and sleep expert with over 25 years of experience in helping people and organizations thrive by using her unique blend of physiology, psychology, philosophy, professional, and personal insights to create profound shifts in awareness and consciousness. She’s completed 7 marathons and over 40 triathlons, and is thriving despite a history of abuse, trauma, and breakdown. You can learn more about her and her work at drnerina.com


Dr. Nerina’s book: Finding Inner Safety: The key to healing, thriving and overcoming burnout.

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