December 6, 2023

157: Save Your Menopausal Skeleton with Kristi DeSapri, MD

In this Episode

Women generally talk about what they see and feel during menopause. Symptoms like hot flashes, joint pain, and vaginal dryness grab our attention while our bone density silently slips away. Women can lose up to 20% of their spinal bone mass through the menopause transition. Thirty-five to 50 percent of women have low bone mass by age 50. Your lifetime risk of having a hip fracture is higher than breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and uterine cancer combined. Thirty percent of women will die within a year of having a hip fracture. Yet, bone health still fails to grab the headlines it deserves. We want to stay strong and active into our older years, and that starts with maintaining healthy bones. This week we dive into all of it with osteoporosis and menopause expert Dr. Kristi DeSapri.

Kristi DeSapri, MD, truly believes that women deserve to function at optimal health and are gatekeepers to their families’ and communities’ health. She is a board certified internist specializing in midlife women’s health and is regarded as a national leader in the field of osteoporosis and menopause management. After fellowship training at the Cleveland Clinic, she has worked in private practice and academic medicine including being director of the Northwestern Women’s Bone Health program at the Center for Sexual Medicine and Menopause at Northwestern Medicine in Chicago. She is the founding physician and owner of Bone and Body Women’s Health, LCC a specialized midlife women’s health practice in Winnetka, IL focused on consultation and management of perimenopause, menopause, osteoporosis, fracture prevention and treatment and sexual health. You can learn more about her and her work at


Online fracture risk assessment calculator here

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